Spolumbo’s: Not Just For Sausages

Spolumbos sausages

As you dine around Calgary and environs, you may have noticed a little announcement somewhere on the menu, or in the name of a dish, about using Spolumbo’s Sausages. Tom and Tony, the Spoletini brothers, and Mike Palumbo (hence Spo+lumbo), are CFL alums who as friends started selling their sausages at farmer’s markets around Calgary.

Their original Spicy Italian sausage was their mother’s recipe, and that has grown to almost 30 varieties.

Their original Inglewood location opened in 1992 and they moved to their “new” 5,000 square foot location in 1998. There they have a 100-seat restaurant attached to their commercial kitchen, where besides sausages they offer meatballs, burgers, salami, venison, and more.

Surprisingly, vegetarians have options too! Egg salad, veggie n’ cheese sandwiches, salads, soups and more also adorn their handwritten chalkboards. I personally crave the veggie cheese sub with a tomato salad a couple of times a month – the flavours go together perfectly. No matter who you are or what you like, you can’t go wrong at Spolumbo’s!