Summer or winter it’s nice to be able to catch a couple of tunes on a Saturday afternoon, especially when they’re accompanied by a tasty beverage. Calgary is blessed with a few Saturday afternoon jams, but the granddaddy of them all is at the Ship and Anchor, on trendy 17th Avenue in the Beltline. Running for decades now, this has been a reliable venue to catch up-and-coming locals, touring musicians, enthusiastic amateurs, and the occasional themed celebration of luminaries such as Johnny Cash or Stompin’ Tom Connors. Notably, this is the first place I ever saw Tegan and Sarah, Chad van Galen, Corb Lund and other Canadian luminaries such as Static Shift, recent winners of TV’s The Launch. The casual environment means you can talk to any of the performers, and buy them a drink. Plus, the Ship’s excellent offering of pub grub is not only affordable, but just as tasty as the beverages. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!